P1 Service Apprentices Win Big at State Competition
TOPEKA, Kan. - P1 Service apprentices won three of the four top spots last month at the state competition of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Apprenticeship Training of Kansas/Local 441.
The winning fifth year apprentices were Jeremy Alexander, Plumber; Kyle Babcock, Pipefitter; and Chase Serrault, HVAC-R. All three are eligible to compete at the District 4 competition on June 6-9 at Local 455 in St. Paul, Minn. Jeremy Alexander is unable to attend, however, so the second place winner will go in his place.
“These three individuals have a great work ethic and skill level,” said Michael Magennis, Training Director with Local 441. “P1 should be proud to have them on the payroll. They have a bright future with both P1 and 441."
Congratulations, Jeremy, Kyle and Chase - from all of us at P1 Service!
Jeremy Alexander
Kyle Babcock
About the author
P1 Service, LLC is a single-source specialty service subcontractor providing comprehensive facility solutions while always striving to enhance the customer experience. We are a trusted partner throughout the Midwest for single-source facility maintenance solutions, including HVAC, electrical, and plumbing facility maintenance and service.